

Friday, November 27, 2009

so tired~~

yeah i did decided to camp at ccp knowing that i wont get a ticket.. arrgghh.. i just waited the whole day.. but nothing happens... fangirling is really hard~~ if luck wasnt on your side.. ne~~

but im also happy to know that kpop fans here is really huge.... but i think theres biases happen cause a lot of koreans was easily accomodated... aigooo~~

but while waiting on the line.. i think i saw minho~~ please let it be minho although i dont have proofs but im sure my eyes wasnt deceiving me...  the feeling and some features that i clearly saw.. i know its him!!!  anyways i will just savour this vid and be contented~~

shinee's ring ding dong


toxic disco boy said...

you didn't get in? but they were giving away tickets minutes before the show. ^^

purpleblue said...

yup, i didnt'...and its true that they gave tickets but its not enough there's still so many fans waiting to be accomodated..and sad to say i was one of them~~

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