

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Visita Iglesia 2012


since i am back in PH, of course for almost a decade now.. me and my mom didnt failed to do these christian practices during lenten season.....

wherein we visit churches.. and had a little prayer and commemorating the hardships that god had undergone in order to wash away the sins of the people. since we are only now three, me, mom and ta loi went together.

Monday, April 02, 2012

just what did i do?


errrhh.. sleeping to the max, and eat..haay what a life.. boredom..

i know i've talked about ali.. im still scared. but he was asking for marriage?? i dunno know if he's serious or what..but i can feel his arrgghh.. i dunno.. we chatted and made things that i dunno.. arrgghhh...

should i just go with the flow..whats happening to me.. LORD...